Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week 2

hey again!
  this week i learned so much in class. we talked about family dynamics. i have never thought about this topic. obviously i knew that each family is different, but never thought about why and the behind it.

My family is very laid back. we love to spend time with each other. we have a family motto that is work hard to play harder. Saturday is our family day, we usually all get together and go for a dirt bike ride or go camping in the summers and in the winter you can find us at our cabin snowmobiling. my family is the most important "thing" that i have. my parents are my closest friends. this week i learned that we are all a system. we work together to make our family work. my parents are a sub system and my brother and sister in law are a sub system to our little family. i find it amazing how it works!

In the text book reading something that i found really interesting was when it was talking about the young boy that was schizophrenic. that wasn't because he was mentally disabled but because he had not developed communication skills and going "crazy" was his way of coping with the situations. communication is so important in our families. i remember when i was younger my parents would get in an argument and i was so scared that they were going to get divorced or that something bad would happen, now i understand that just because they were raising their voices or in an argument doesn't mean that they were fighting, it was conflict, and that is the way that they worked it out.

bottom line, my family is the bomb. i hope everyone is as lucky as i am to have a family as great as mine.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Week 1

This week we had a couple great discussions that i really want to share my thoughts on. also, i do just want to through out there that these are my personal beliefs, im just a college girl in small town rexburg idaho, i dont really expect this to go anywhere, just a place for me to put down my thoughts.

so lets get down to the nitty girtty.

     its a real thing now, i think back on my life and same sex relationships were not really a thing until my junior year of high school, or at least i didnt hear about it until then. i had a couple friends that came out after we graduated. my personal beliefs are that marriage is between a man and a women. period. it is gods plan for us to have children, that is not possible to do with same sex relationships. if god wanted it that way, he would have made it part of the plan. during this life we are here to please god, to follow his commandments so that we can live with him again, it makes me sad to see family members and friends struggle with such things that are driving them away from the presence of our heavenly father. but having said that, i hate the sin, and not the sinner. i sin. everyday, im not saying the person is an awful person if they do sin, because we all do! i love my friends and family that have chosen that life style, even though i know there is a better way for them, i still love them just as i did when i met them.

the next topic is FERTILITY..
when to have kids! i remember when i was little i would always say i wanted at least 15 kids. i loooooove kids. i wanted a cheaper by the dozen type of house. but as i have gotten older ive realized that that is a huge number! the worldly things start to take control. we dont have time for a baby right now, we dont have the money, we just want to focus on school, we wont be good parents.. the list goes on and on. but i think that if we truly wanted the best for us and our families, we would simply pray and make the deicision with our spouse and the lord. he knows best, and the furture children we will have are with him now! he knows them, and knows exactly what we need from them and vice versa. im so grateful that i need to do is get on my knees and ask, and then act. i believe that god will always provide a way. wether that is now, later, or in the next life. his plan will be fulfilled.

if you have any other further thoughts or comments on my post please let me know! please no hateful comments, again these are just my thoughts, not anyone elses!


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hi! I'm Ashley.

Welcome to my blog!!

First I want to share a little about myself so you can better understand me!
My name is Ashley, I am 21 years old. I come from a family of 5. I was born and raised in Idaho. I love anything and everything outdoors: dirt biking, snowmobiling, camping, hiking, fishing; you name it! I recently returned from serving a mission the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I am currently attending BYU-I.

One of the classes I'm  taking is about the family. Through this blog I will share my thoughts and feelings on the things that I learn in class. I've never kept a blog before, so I am fairly excited to see where this will go and to be able to express myself in new ways. My class mates are doing the same thing, you can find their blogs in my reading list. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you like the read.
