Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week 2

hey again!
  this week i learned so much in class. we talked about family dynamics. i have never thought about this topic. obviously i knew that each family is different, but never thought about why and the behind it.

My family is very laid back. we love to spend time with each other. we have a family motto that is work hard to play harder. Saturday is our family day, we usually all get together and go for a dirt bike ride or go camping in the summers and in the winter you can find us at our cabin snowmobiling. my family is the most important "thing" that i have. my parents are my closest friends. this week i learned that we are all a system. we work together to make our family work. my parents are a sub system and my brother and sister in law are a sub system to our little family. i find it amazing how it works!

In the text book reading something that i found really interesting was when it was talking about the young boy that was schizophrenic. that wasn't because he was mentally disabled but because he had not developed communication skills and going "crazy" was his way of coping with the situations. communication is so important in our families. i remember when i was younger my parents would get in an argument and i was so scared that they were going to get divorced or that something bad would happen, now i understand that just because they were raising their voices or in an argument doesn't mean that they were fighting, it was conflict, and that is the way that they worked it out.

bottom line, my family is the bomb. i hope everyone is as lucky as i am to have a family as great as mine.

1 comment:

  1. It is super interesting to think about family dynamics in the sense of how they shape who we are as people. Thinking about it has enabled me to understand myself better and why I do some of the things I do. It also helps me in understanding other people. Thanks for sharing.
