Saturday, October 31, 2015

Week 6

We had another really great class this week. The topics we covered were mainly on marriage, and the changes that are made.  I'm not married, I'm still in the dating process. This class was really good for me to get an idea of what will happen. We talked about the first 6 months and how so many big changes happen. Like moving in together, having more family, schedule changes, always having someone around, your personal time is a lot less. There are a lot of factors! during the first year there are traditions, payments, doctor visits, and many other things in between!  There is also deciding when to have kids and al that fun stuff!

My brother got married about a year ago, and people always ask him and his wife when they are going to start having kids they get really annoyed with it and wish people would just let them make that decision on their own.

We also talked a lot about how both parents need to be involved in the birth process which I totally agree with. I think having a bunch of people in the room isn't really necessary. It should just be you, your spouse and the new little baby! I get really excited talking about babies and families. I'm excited to have that some day and I'm really grateful I have this class to help me out!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Week 5

I really enjoyed this weeks class. we talked about dating! i recently broke up with my really serious boyfriend. we met here at BYU-I and then we both served missions, when i got home in February we started dating. we dated for about 6 months, we had plans to get engaged. we went ring shopping, he met my family, and i had a plane ticket to fly out to Arizona and meet his family. but the more i thought about it and the way that i felt i knew that i wasn't as happy as i could be. i didn't feel like i was completely myself. even though he was a great guy and our relationship was amazing, i knew that there was more. so i broke up with him. so this class has been really good for me to get my head back on straight and get back into the world of dating.

One conversation that we had in class i really appreciated. we talked about people "practicing marriage" while they are just dating. meaning going to the temple for a date, or reading Scriptures together. i have roommates that do this and it worries me sometimes. obviously those things are so important and we should be doing them, but i really believe that they are also sacred. they should be done with a spouse, not someone that is just a fling or something that wont develop into a marriage. the class discussion gave me a few ideas of how i could bring this up with my roommates and explain to them that it isnt the appropriate time to be doing those things and they could be doing things much different to build up their relationships with their boyfriends.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Week 4

This weeks topic, SAME SEX ATTRACTION. not going to lie, it was a little bit of an uncomfortable situation, but i can honestly say that i do look at it in a different lighting now. I have a couple family members, as well as a few friends that struggle with same sex attraction, before class i didnt really know how to treat the subject, do i support them even though i dont support what they are doing? do i tell them i think its wrong?

during class i was able to be reassured that i dont need to tell them what they are doing is wrong, or support the sin, rather i should love them and let them know i am there for them. becuase these people dont want it to happen to them! its a struggle, most people dont wish that upon themselves, or any of their loved ones.

what really got me thinking was when brother williams was talking about the 23 year old boy that came to see him. he said that he was gay and he didnt want to be, thats basically just what he had heard and started to believe it. a couple visits later he came into the office and announced that he was starting to be attracted to his friends that were girls and as brother williams was telling us he got really emotional, i guess that is when i realized how real these things are, and that the atonement is so real because they can overcome these feelings that come from satan.

what are your thoughts on same sex attraction and how have you helped your loved ones with this issue?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Week 3

hey hey!
This week's discussions were really great. The topic I want to talk about is CULTURES. Are they equal??? My personal opinion is no. our cultures are not equal, that is why there is racism and such hate in the world, because we do things differently! Being part of the LDS religion, that is my culture. My religion is everything, it makes up who I am and what im doing, what i want to do, and where I am headed. And just as me, there are plenty of people that feel the same way about their religion, or even the place that they are from.

I served a mission in Kansas. I served in a little town called Dodge City. It was an old town, and had a high hispanic population. I fell in love with the spanish people there. I love them so much!! Their culutre is one that i will not forget, they were the nicest, most considerate people i have ever met in my life. they would always let us into their homes, they would make sure that we had food to eat and warm clothes. They were amazing, and going to other places in kansas not everyone treated us like that. I knew it was because that was their culture, they were taught that way, and they teach that way. i love it!!

i believe that our cultures can be the same, through the gospel of jesus christ we can all become one. we can learn from eachother and teach eachother. that will be an amazing day.