Saturday, October 31, 2015

Week 6

We had another really great class this week. The topics we covered were mainly on marriage, and the changes that are made.  I'm not married, I'm still in the dating process. This class was really good for me to get an idea of what will happen. We talked about the first 6 months and how so many big changes happen. Like moving in together, having more family, schedule changes, always having someone around, your personal time is a lot less. There are a lot of factors! during the first year there are traditions, payments, doctor visits, and many other things in between!  There is also deciding when to have kids and al that fun stuff!

My brother got married about a year ago, and people always ask him and his wife when they are going to start having kids they get really annoyed with it and wish people would just let them make that decision on their own.

We also talked a lot about how both parents need to be involved in the birth process which I totally agree with. I think having a bunch of people in the room isn't really necessary. It should just be you, your spouse and the new little baby! I get really excited talking about babies and families. I'm excited to have that some day and I'm really grateful I have this class to help me out!

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