Saturday, November 7, 2015


This week i was really sick and i wasn't able to go into class, so i had to learn just by reading in the book instead of learning from the discussion. This weeks focus was on sexuality. This topic is so controversial, the meaning of sex has really changed. It wasn't in this class, but it in one of my marriage classes that the professor that was teaching made us think of sex, and what words came to mind. things like dirty, secret, fun came up. then he told us to think of God and the things that came up were holy, clean, special. He then stated that that is what sex is suppose to be, something that is special and holy to us, that we share with a legally married spouse. its not just a hook up on a Friday night, that lesson really has helped me in my life and as i read through this chapter that is the one thing that kept ringing true in my head.

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