Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week 8

This week I learned a lot. I was able to look into my own life, as well as my family and really see where a lot of things stem from. this week we talked about stress. how it affects you individually as well as a system. There are many things that can cause stress in families. Loosing a loved one, financial situations and employment. Those are two of the main ones that my family has faced. death is really hard to face and i have lost many loved ones to cancer. it brings a lot of stress because there is no control over those kind of sicknesses. My family has been through areas of being unemployed and struggling for income. the lord has blest us in many ways since then. i love my family and we learn from the times when it is stressful in our home, its not easy at the time but we look back with a grateful heart.

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