Saturday, November 28, 2015

Week 10

This week was really interesting. we talked about fathers and finances. My whole childhood i grew up with my dad in the home. he works really hard for our family, sometimes he would spend nights in the office just to get jobs done, his hard work has really paid off! Now he owns his own company and really enjoys what he does. Im so grateful for all the hard work my dad does so that we can have dinner on our table, and the fun things we do as a family. I know that it isn't easy for him, he gets stressed, and pushed to his limits, but that is what we are here for! to help and encourage him. My dad has taught me about working hard. My parents have tried to teach me about budgeting... lets just say i didn't really listen while they tried to teach :) im not the very best at budgeting and occasionally get the overdraft fees. i promise myself every time it happens that i wont let it happen again, but here we are! I pray my husband is really great with money and he can help me along the way.

how has your father helped you? how do you budget your money, if you have any tips that would be great!:)

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