Saturday, November 28, 2015

Week 10

This week was really interesting. we talked about fathers and finances. My whole childhood i grew up with my dad in the home. he works really hard for our family, sometimes he would spend nights in the office just to get jobs done, his hard work has really paid off! Now he owns his own company and really enjoys what he does. Im so grateful for all the hard work my dad does so that we can have dinner on our table, and the fun things we do as a family. I know that it isn't easy for him, he gets stressed, and pushed to his limits, but that is what we are here for! to help and encourage him. My dad has taught me about working hard. My parents have tried to teach me about budgeting... lets just say i didn't really listen while they tried to teach :) im not the very best at budgeting and occasionally get the overdraft fees. i promise myself every time it happens that i wont let it happen again, but here we are! I pray my husband is really great with money and he can help me along the way.

how has your father helped you? how do you budget your money, if you have any tips that would be great!:)

Friday, November 20, 2015

Week 9

Hi again! this weeks topic was on communication.

we had a really good time in class, lots of laughs and agreeing. We mainly talked about how men and women dont really know how to communicate. I take full responisbility in that! I'm the worst at letting people know how i am feeling, or really even showing it for that matter. My boyfriend has a really hard time trying to read me.

most women will drop "hints" - I'm totally guilty of this. in class brother Williams used the example of stopping on a road trip to get a drink. a girl might say "are you thirsty?' and the boy might say "no, I'm fine" and keep driving. This might upset the girl and cause problems. i have seen this in so many way in my life, not the same exact situation - but if i dont voice my opinion and just kind of expect people to read my mind! how do you feel about communication? how have you made it work in your life?


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week 8

This week I learned a lot. I was able to look into my own life, as well as my family and really see where a lot of things stem from. this week we talked about stress. how it affects you individually as well as a system. There are many things that can cause stress in families. Loosing a loved one, financial situations and employment. Those are two of the main ones that my family has faced. death is really hard to face and i have lost many loved ones to cancer. it brings a lot of stress because there is no control over those kind of sicknesses. My family has been through areas of being unemployed and struggling for income. the lord has blest us in many ways since then. i love my family and we learn from the times when it is stressful in our home, its not easy at the time but we look back with a grateful heart.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


This week i was really sick and i wasn't able to go into class, so i had to learn just by reading in the book instead of learning from the discussion. This weeks focus was on sexuality. This topic is so controversial, the meaning of sex has really changed. It wasn't in this class, but it in one of my marriage classes that the professor that was teaching made us think of sex, and what words came to mind. things like dirty, secret, fun came up. then he told us to think of God and the things that came up were holy, clean, special. He then stated that that is what sex is suppose to be, something that is special and holy to us, that we share with a legally married spouse. its not just a hook up on a Friday night, that lesson really has helped me in my life and as i read through this chapter that is the one thing that kept ringing true in my head.